(DOWNLOAD MP3) Him that is in the Secret by Apostle Arome Osayi
There’s what is called the place of secret, this is where we find God. The Place of Secret is a place of intimacy with God, and it is a place where God reveals his secrets and who he really is to us.
Everything noble dwells in the hidden place and it is your pursuit that reveals it to you. This portion of Bible tells us that it’s possible to dwell in the secret place. And it also shows that it’s a spiritual state; because it’s the posture man takes to access God.
It’s not the house of God, it is not necessarily means physical location. It is an affair between you and God , and when you alone with him. In the secret place, that is where God share things that are peculiar to you alone, Again, great men and minds are made in the secret place.
And the secret place can only be activated with the law of consistency. The law of consistency is the continuous talking of a particular route in prayer and fasting, studying the word of God, or taking a particular spot in communicating with God.