Over the years, the Lord has burdened on multiple aspects. The work that we do at Spirit Nerds is overwhelming for a small team and we are always in need of more help. Currently we are integrating AI for Multilingual Transcriptions to help spread the Gospel globally, building a sermon streaming application, content making/management and other projects – it’s just getting tough.


The biggest struggle is not having a central place to work together. We miss the energy of bouncing ideas off each other, the camaraderie of brainstorming as a team. And forget about training new folks! It’s hard to really show them the ropes when you’re all scattered across different locations. Here’s what we dream of: a dedicated space where we can all work side-by-side, a place that buzzes with creativity and collaboration. We especially want to bring in young, passionate people who love God and have a knack for tech. We want to empower them to use their skills for good, to help us spread this message of hope even further.


And finally, the Bible’s unwavering message challenges modern cultural norms on sensitive issues like marriage, gender, family, sin, and salvation. This makes even the most faithful biblical preaching vulnerable to censorship in the years to come.

Our Founding Vision


In 2019, we received a profound calling from God to establish Spirit Nerds as a gospel media organization. Our mission, driven by this divine mandate, has three core pillars:

  • Preservation: Creating a vast digital archive to preserve over 10 million sermons by conservative ministers for future generations.
  • Accessibility: Striving to make spiritual resources easily accessible worldwide through a user-friendly platform.
  • Visibility: Serving as a bridge connecting believers with God’s chosen messengers, announcing His truth to the world.

However, in 2022, we received a sobering message in prayer: a warning that the Church will increasingly face the hostility of cancel culture. We foresaw how popular social platforms and cloud providers might enact policies that hinder the free spread of biblical truth. This threat has since materialized, as demonstrated by several happening, some includes;

  • YouTube’s labeling of John MacArthur’s sermon as hate speech because of its affirmation of God’s design for male and female.
  • Censorship of Christian Content

  • Deplatforming of Christian Influencers
  • Algorithm Changes Impacting Reach
  • Restrictions on Religious Advertising

The Bible’s unwavering message challenges modern cultural norms on sensitive issues like marriage, gender, family, sin, and salvation. This makes even the most faithful biblical preaching vulnerable to censorship in the years to come. We ourselves have experienced setbacks due to restrictive policies and agendas. We cannot guarantee that sermons entrusted to today’s major tech platforms will remain safely accessible for the next century or beyond. Sadly, we lack access to the raw files of countless priceless sermons by the great preachers of past generations. We refuse to gamble with the rich biblical teaching we have inherited. This compels us to embark on a bold and faith-filled journey to build our own data center, establishing full control over this precious spiritual legacy.



Our journey

God has blessed our efforts beyond measure. In just five years, the Spirit Nerds ministry has touched over 52 million people across all 195 nations. Every single hour, more than a thousand people seek out and download sermons from our website. In a world hungering for Truth, love, and beauty, Spirit Nerds stands as a steadfast beacon, empowering Christians to renew their minds and live gospel-centered lives, striving towards the fullness of Christ. As ambassadors of the Church amidst rapid technological progress, Spirit Nerds shapes believers’ convictions and fosters an environment conducive to spiritual growth.


Current Mode of Operation

Over the past 5 years, Spirit Nerds has been sustained by the grace of God as a ministry. Unmonetized on this website due to distractions from various advertisement copies, we’ve operated with dedication and resilience. With a team of 7 staff working from a rented office space in MCP Ado Karu, meeting bills has been challenging, but God’s promise in Isaiah 55:11 fuels our faith that His word will not return empty, and He will continue to sponsor His works.

Current Projects:

AI Integration for Multilingual Transcriptions: We are integrating AI to transcribe every sermon any sermon preached in English and have it “re-preached” in multiple languages like French, Spanish, Russian, and Chinese. We are moving with the mandate; And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations [Matthew 24:14] 


2. Sermon Streaming and Download Application: We are developing an application for seamless streaming and downloading of sermons, providing easy access to spiritual nourishment anytime, anywhere.

3. Scripture Search Mechanism: Our Scripture search feature will enable users to search sermons by scriptures, fostering deeper Bible exposition and enhancing sermon discoverability.


Next Steps: 


“The SN Sermon Center,” is a faith project designed for long-term sustainability and independence from cloud platforms. Comprising servers, switches, and storage arrays operated in-house, this facility is more than just a physical space—it embodies our commitment to three key purposes:

  1. Housing infrastructure for preserving and propagating sound preaching
  2. Currently operating remotely from various states in Nigeria, the center will serve as a centralized hub for our team to come together, fostering greater synergy and enabling us to achieve more significant goals for the kingdom.


God has graciously provided us with a plot of land in the renowned territory of Lugbe, in the Federal Capital Territory of Nigeria. We now face the monumental task of raising funds to build this structure, to acquire the necessary servers, storage arrays, and equipments to construct THE CENTER. We humbly seek God’s continued provision for the manpower and materials required to complete this journey.

This project will stretch us far beyond our comfort zone and financial means as we are providing all materials for free. Building cloud infrastructure is costly, which underscores the immense power held by Big Tech companies. We fervently pray for God’s guidance and abundant provision as we embark on this ambitious endeavor.


Project Target - $300k
Join us build a safe-place for Biblical preaching and messages..


A committee has been set to ensure the effective use of every cent that is contributed in support of the sermon center project, here are their tasks:

  1. Develop and manage a database of partners
  2. Organize events for partners such as partners conferences and dinner.
  3. Periodic sermons catalogue specially for partners
  4. Hosting periodic special prayer calls for partners with renowned preachers/ministries
  5. Reporting and audit of funds from partners

Becoming a partner:

Here attached is a detailed form for potential partners to fill with their information, robust communication system will be assigned to help communicate our progress here and there;

Please kindly fill out the form below: