(DOWNLOAD MP3) True Riches-Koinonia by Apostle Joshua Selman
The Lord is the one who bestows true riches without suffering.
True riches are mentioned in the Bible, implying the existence of counterfeit riches. Much of what the world calls wealth is merely a cloak for real poverty. While on earth, the Lord looked to be the poorest of the poor, despite the fact that he was the owner of everything.
Although the believers at Smyrna appeared to be destitute, the Lord stated unequivocally that they were wealthy. Beloved, I wish for you to prosper and be well above all else, just as thy soul prospers.
- The unsearchable riches are spiritual blessings that provide an advantage for believers to reign on earth and manifest the reality of God’s life here and now.
- You only rise in life to the degree in which you sustain a spiritual advantage.